Jennifer Bankston » Yearbook


Community Upload (Click Here)
Help us tell the story of this year by sharing your photos with us!
CLICK the blue banner above to visit the community upload page for our school 
Enter the ACCESS CODE: panthers (all lowercase letters)
This year is a little different! We want to share all of the unique moments that have made this year so memorable. 
UPLOAD your photos from moments you would like to share with us. These can include extracurricular activities, distance learning, hobbies... be creative! We will periodically ask for submissions through Schoology and email.
Note: all photos must be school appropriate and all students must be in dress code for their photos to be considered for the yearbook. 
INCLUDE first and last names of the people included in the photo and write a short caption describing what is happening in the image.
All photos must be submitted no later than March 1, 2021. (Please note that pages are submitted throughout the year and the sooner you submit them after the event, the better the chances we will use it.) 
Yearbook is a great way to meet new friends and express yourself creatively, and each student's contribution to the yearbook can be seen come to fruition when the yearbook arrives in June!  After being trained in how to use the Walsworth Yearbook Online Design Program, students are partnered up and given the opportunity to design a yearbook spread that they can work on in class or at home.  
In addition to designing pages, throughout the course of the year students also help out with various other yearbook-related tasks, including selling yearbooks, photography, working on promotions, and eventually yearbook distribution.