Student Code of Conduct
Students of Pacoima Middle School are expected to exhibit their best manners and values while at school. This demonstrates PRIDE in ones self, as well as a willingness to accept responsibility for personal actions. Each student’s disciplinary case will be considered on its own merits and will receive specific disciplinary actions determined to be appropriate by the teacher, counselor, dean and/or school administrator. Whenever it is deemed advisable, parents shall be involved in affecting improved student conduct.
It is clearly expected that parents will support this code of conduct, as well as any other disciplinary actions that may be required. We believe that parental support is essential to the proper guidance and development of the student.
On Campus:
· Students must attend school regularly and punctually and must not leave the school without proper permission.
· Students must obey all directions given by teachers and authorized personnel.
· Students must respect school property and the property of others.
· Students must remain in class unless in possession of an authorized pass.
· Students must refrain from chewing gum on campus.
· Students must refrain from disrupting the orderly school process through noise or actions. No markers, correction fluid, radios, tape recorders, CD players, iPods, MP3players, electronic games, lasers, water balloons or skateboards are allowed on campus. All such items will be confiscated and only returned to a parent. Cellular phones are to be used by students before and afterschool only or they will be confiscated. Parents are required to pick up confiscated electronic devices and cell phones.
In the Classroom:
• Students must be in their assigned seats and ready to work when the tardy bell rings.
• Students must promptly obey all directions given by the teacher.
• Students must bring all required materials to class daily.
• Students must respect and protect school and personal property.
• Students are not to eat/drink in the classroom.
• Students must not interfere with the learning of other students.
Serious Infractions:
• Threatening, attempting or causing physical injury to another person.
• Possessing a dangerous object, weapon or replica.
• Possessing or using of a controlled substance or intoxicant.
• Furnishing or selling a substance represented as a controlled substance.
• Robbery or extortion.
• Damaging or stealing school or private property.
• Possessing or using tobacco or alcohol.
· Possessing explosives (firecrackers, cherry bombs, poppers), lighters, matches, aerosol cans, markers or any kind of paint.
• Engaging in habitual or repeated use of profanity or vulgarity.
• Using, furnishing, or selling any drugs or drug paraphernalia.
• Disrupting school activities/defying the authority of school personnel.
• Knowingly accepting stolen property.
• Possessing or using Federal Meal Program tickets belonging to another student.
• Participating in a hate crime or bias motivated incidents.
• Willfully using force or violence on another, except in self defense.
• Harassing, threatening or intimidating any individual, student or group of students.
• Making false accusation against a teacher/staff member.
The following will result in an automatic recommendation for expulsion:
• Possessing a knife or firearm.
• Brandishing of a knife, firearm or replica.
• Selling or possessing drugs resulting in an arrest.
• Sexual assault or battery.
Disciplinary Actions
The consequences or violations of any of the above standards may include one or more of the following actions or combination of actions as may be appropriate for the specific infractions: paper pick-up, detention, referral to Deans’ Office, parent conference, suspension, opportunity transfer, recommendation for expulsion, arrest or other action that is deemed appropriate for a specific situation.
School Police Actions
The School Police Officer can arrest a student for serious infractions in violation of the Penal Code. The School Police Officer may also issue a citation to persons under 18 years of age for, but not limited to, fighting, possession of tobacco or alcohol, disruption of school activities, vandalism and truancy.
Financial Responsibility
The Education Code, Section 48909 provides that the parent or guardian of a minor is liable to a school district or private school for all property loaned to and failed to be returned, or willfully damaged by the minor. It also authorizes local school districts to adopt a policy whereby the marks, diploma, or transcripts of these students would be withheld until the pupil or the parent/guardian pays for the damages or returns the property.
It is the policy of the Los Angeles Unified School District to seek restitution, including but not limited to, when a student willfully cuts, defaces, causes the loss, non return or otherwise injures any property, real or personal, belonging to the school district or school employee. The parent/guardian of the student is liable for such damages, not exceeding $5,000.
Nondiscrimination Policy
The Los Angeles Unified School District is committed to providing a working and learning environment that is free from discrimination and harassment based on an individual’s sex, sexual orientation, gender, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, color, or mental or physical disability, or any other basis protected by federal, state, local law, ordinance, or regulation. The lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission to or participation in District programs or activities.
Sexual Harassment Policy
It is the policy of the Los Angeles Unified School District that sexual harassment of or by any student shall not be tolerated at school or at any school related activity. Individuals who commit sexual harassment are subject to disciplinary action.
Board Resolution Reaffirms Commitment to Respectful Treatment of All Persons
The Los Angeles Unified School District reaffirms its policy that students and adults in both schools and offices should treat all persons equally and respectfully and refrain from the willful or negligent use of slurs against any person on the basis of race, language spoken, color, sex, religion, handicap, national origin, immigration status, age, sexual orientation, or political belief.
Tardy Policy
Students must be in class on time every day. The tardy policy is designed to remind students about the importance of punctuality. The consequences of being tardy are as follows:
1st Tardy: Teacher counsels student and gives verbal warning.
2ndTardy: Teacher counsels student, gives verbal warning or assigns paper pick up.
3rd Tardy: Teacher contacts student’s home by letter or telephone.
4th Tardy: Teacher assigns paper pick up, teacher detention or other consequence.
5th Tardy: Teacher assigns two paper pick-ups, two teacher detentions or other consequence.
6thTardy: Student is referred to the appropriate Dean who will assign one day of after school detention.